Agony Of Lord Hanumana

Animesh Singh
3 min readJun 3, 2023


Mars in Cancer

When the Vanar army (vanar Sena) could not find Mata Sita in all the three directions, then Hanuman ji was sent to the south, where once after different incidents, Hanuman ji’s sentimentality is clearly visible, which is mentioned in the 13 chapter of Sunderkand of Valmiki Ramayana, Lord Hanuman was disheartened in a very strange state for not getting mother Sita and was afraid of the effect of not getting Sita in front of him as to what face he would show to Lord Shri Ram and his brother Laxman, may be both die Bharat Satruhan will also be affected due to both brothers and die
गत्वा तु यदि काकुत्स्थम् वक्ष्यामि परम् अप्रियम् || ५-१३-२३
न दृष्टा इति मया सीता ततः त्यक्ष्यन्ति जीवितम् |
परुषम् दारुणम् क्रूरम् तीक्ष्णम् इन्द्रिय तापनम् || ५-१३-२४
सीता निमित्तम् दुर्वाक्यम् श्रुत्वा स न भविष्यति |
तम् तु कृच्च्र गतम् दृष्ट्वा पन्चत्व गत मानसम् || ५-१३-२५
भृश अनुरक्तो मेधावी न भविष्यति लक्ष्मणः |
विनष्टौ भ्रातरौ श्रुत्वा भरतो अपि मरिष्यति || ५-१३-२६
भरतम् च मृतम् दृष्ट्वा शत्रुघ्नो न भविष्यति।

There is no doubt that after the death of the four brothers, mother Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi will also be no more.
पुत्रान् मृतान् समीक्ष्य अथ न भविष्यन्ति मातरः || ५-१३-२७
कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च कैकेयी च न संशयः ।
Such pain in the mind of Hanuman ji, in which he is thinking of death like Sugriva ji, Tara, Vanar Sena, Angad

सो अहम् न एव गमिष्यामि किष्किन्धाम् नगरीम् इतः || ५-१३-३८
न हि शक्ष्यामि अहम् द्रष्टुम् सुग्रीवम् मैथिलीम् विना |

then how will I deal with Vanar army and Sugriva ji? You can read that many times the level of thinking has fallen so much where it is not felt that this is Pawansut Hanuman ji.

चिताम् कृत्वा प्रवेक्ष्यामि समिद्धम् अरणी सुतम् |
उपविष्टस्य वा सम्यग् लिन्गिनम् साधयिष्यतः || ५-१३-४२
शरीरम् भक्षयिष्यन्ति वायसाः श्वापदानि च |इदम् अपि ऋषिभिर् दृष्टम् निर्याणम् इति मे मतिः || ५-१३-४३
सम्यग् आपः प्रवेक्ष्यामि न चेत् पश्यामि जानकीम् |

Or I will build a cremation ground and enter the blazing fire, or my body will be eaten by crows and violent animals while sitting on a fast of death.
एवम् बहु विधम् दुह्खम् मनसा धारयन् मुहुः || ५-१३-४८
न अध्यगच्चत् तदा पारम् शोकस्य कपि कुन्जरः |
This situation was Mars in cancer where A Strengthen Powerful Hanumanji caught in emotion and lost direction and core competency, next part I ll explain how Lord Hanumanaji come out from this situation

Sending Hanuman ji towards south direction in Ramayana shows his direction force (Mars Exalted in Capricorn) which is also used in Vastu Shastra to give power and strenght to Jatak by putting his picture or any sign of force in that direction

In the story of 13 chapter, the effects of Mars in Cancer and the mental state have been described very beautifully.
If your Mars is Debilated and there is this yoga in any house, then you must read this Valmiki Ramayana 13 chapter and first recite Hanuman Chalisa before starting 13 chapter and then remembering Ram Sita can be a good solution. Hanuman ji in this chapter if after reading you feel like such state of mind must have happened in your life then comment share the story as it will bring out your inner feeling and help you to move ahead.

When I started thinking about the form of Hanuman ji and many obstacles or incidents tried to divert my attention till writing, like a woman arguing without any reason and reducing things to a low level, maybe cosmic energy could be checking my patience, extreme hit in the brain, buying Sindoori mangoes, and Searching attached photo tears coming out of the eyes without a reason, Coming of Lord Rama name first time in 12 chapter of Varaha Puran in evening Puja

"श्री राम जानकी करुणा निधान की"

Animesh Singh

#mars #cancer #ramayana #valmiki #hindu #animeshsingh #niftybyastro

